10 Step Wardrobe Revamp

Step 7


Map Out Your Ideal Wardrobe

Now that you have a good idea of your personal style and your lifestyle, think about what your ideal wardrobe would look like. In fact, don’t just think about it, map it out piece-by-piece! That way, when it’s time to go shopping, you can make sure that each new piece fits into the larger framework of the wardrobe you are working towards.



A great wardrobe is like a well-oiled machine - lots of interrelated pieces that all play a certain role and seamlessly work together. To build a wardrobe like that it’s important to start with an end goal in mind, a clear plan that you have thought through, to make sure everything fits together.

Even if you don’t end up implementing your plan 100%, your wardrobe will be much more mixable and functional, than if you had simply started buying “pretty new clothes” willy-nilly.


There are a few different ways you can go about mapping out your ideal wardrobe. For example, you can use a colour palette or outfit formulas as the starting point, and you can also build a capsule wardrobe (if you want a complete walkthrough: try out the Capsules app by Cladwell).

Read through the posts below and pick one or more techniques to map out your ideal wardrobe based on your style and lifestyle. As you select pieces, focus on what type of item you want, for example “red t-shirt” or “knee-length silk dress”. Don’t worry about where you might find specific pieces like that just yet, you’ll figure that out later.

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10 Step Wardrobe Revamp

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