10 Step Wardrobe Revamp

Step 6


Analyze Your Lifestyle

The perfect wardrobe should not only be tailored to your personal style, but also to your lifestyle! Track your life and outfits for two weeks, to find out what types of activities you need clothes for and in what quantities.



If you spend your days in a corporate office, but your closet is 70% swim wear, you may well be the best dressed person at the beach, but you’ll probably feel like you have nothing to wear the rest of the year. To support your busy day-to-day, your closet should contain enough clothes for everything you do regularly, even the boring stuff.


Since it can be hard to accurately estimate what types of activities your day-to-day consists of and in what ratios, it’s best to go the extra mile and track your lifestyle. For two weeks, keep a daily log of your outfits and the occasions you wear them to.

Include everything from special events to just lounging at home. After two weeks, identify your main activities (e.g. work, gym, nightlife) and create a pie chart that reflects how often you need an outfit for each one. Use that pie chart in the following steps to make sure your new wardrobe matches your life.

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10 Step Wardrobe Revamp

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